Data recovery software
Recover your files, photos, videos and all lost data
Hard drive, NTFS, FAT, MAC, CD, DVD, video, GoPro Hero, cameras, RAID and more
HP Media Vault recovery (Broadcom NAS)
Free demo download displays files pictures and videos that will be recovered.
Forensic disk and data investigation software (optional feature)
Have you lost your data?
The CnW data recovery package covers all eventuallites of data loss. It could be a simple file deletion, or an accidental format of the disk drive. NTFS, FAT32 and many more are handled and files recovered. The software is a complete tool kit of functions required to process data. Comprehensive manual can be consulted for advice. There are several modules and licences from a 30 day package to a full forensic options with a dongle to allow processing or different systems (as long as the dongle is precent).
The GoPro Recovery (GPR) software is included with all versions except the 30 day package. GPR is a world leading package for recovering video files from camera memory chips, in particular the popular GoPro Hero. Virtually no other software will correctly process fragmented video files, which is actually how 90% of cameras save their files on the memory chip.
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Comming soon will be CnW-64, 64 bit solution for all data recovery problems. Beta download available, September 2023 update
Main program features
● Recovers corrupted disks
● Recovers partially failed disks
● Deleted photos from flash chips
● Fragmented video files, including AVCHD
● Formatted or repartitioned disks
● Windows, NTFS, FAT, Mac, XFS, Reiser
● Full forensic logs**
● Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11
● RAID support, 0 and 5
● CCTV support, starting with CnW 64
● Continuous development, unlimited support and regular free updates
● Full user support via e-mail
● Advanced data carving and defragmentation
● Full demo
● Full user manual
● CnW Blog for news items.
● Easy to use wizard
CnW Data Recovery Software recovers lost files from
● Digital photo camera, SD card and memory chips
● Compact Flash, CE, sD, xD, Memorystick, MultiMedia Card, or USB compatible memory
● Hard drives recovered, SATA, IDE, SCSI, USB, eSATA
● RAID 0 - RAID-5, JBODs **
● CDs and DVDs, including mini-DVDs and DVD-RAM
● Thumb drives
● Jaz and Zip disks, 100MB - 2GB
● Disk images, including DD, E01** and Virtual disk format
● Floppy disks
● File systems supported
● NTFS, NTFS compressed,.

● FAT32, FAT16, FAT12, disks and memory chips
● Macintosh HFS+
● Hard disc EFI partitions
● Data carving for any operating system
● Android SD card
● ISO9660, Joliet, UDF, Macintosh
● Quick erased CD-RW*
● DVD, miniDVD data and video
● exFAT
● Unix XFS included deleted files
● ReiserFS
● .BKF backup files
● CCTV with CnW64 version
● Recovers data, photos and videos that have been lost or deleted
● Deleted file restoring from NTFS and FAT32
● Formatted disks can be recovered
● Disk corruption
● Missing FATs or MFTs are reconstructed
● Video camera, GoPro Hero, Insta360, EOS, DJI, with GoPro Recovery
● DVD corruption or deletion.
● AVCHD / MTS and M2T can be automatically reconstructed into large files, and not short fragments.
● Partial disk failure can be recovered
● Partition or boot sector failure
● Corrupted FATs are dynamically fixed
● Overwritten boot sectors are reconstructed
● Master Boot Record (MBR) failure or corruption
● Partition tables corrupted can be regenerated
● Failure when being repartitioned
● Files lost due to software error can be recovered
● Malicious deletion of files can be resolved
● Apple Macbook Air remote wipe data recovery
● Installation of new operating system
● Not ejecting USB drives correctly
● File validation
● Power glitch
● Virus
Recover or repair drive?
● File Recovery Software, and Forensic Analysis Tools
● Logs of file names
● Dates of files on disk
● MD5 and SHA-256 hash value for each file copied*
● Slack space*
● Unallocated space
● Media details
● EFI partition support
● WD Passport Studio encryption PLX OXUF943SE
● Disk parameter analysis
● Restoration of files using directory stubs
● Raw file file extraction - often referred to as data carving
● Multiple search strings when carving (or just searching)*
● Data carving extraction from NTFS compressed disks
● Deleted and fragmented AVIs, AVCHD/MTS and 3GP/MP4, GoPro recovered - smart data carving
● File fragments are logged
● Incremental Imaging to process partially failed disks
● File read even when in unallocated space
● Intelligent deleted FAT32 reading
● Analysis of FAT32 disk structure
● QIC113 backup files from image file
● Optional file validation on copy
● Fake memory chip detection
● Video Disk IFO files recreate from MPEGs
● HP Mediavault - Broadcom Raid** (Reiser FS)
● Full job report in XML, useful for triage*
● Encase file support*
● Automatic file carving for several formats, including AVI, JPEGS, Word Docs, 3GP, MOV, GoPro
● MFT Parse on sector view
● File deduplication
● Filenames created for some formats even in data carving mode
● Skip (or select) files based on NSRL MD5 hash values
● File filter for file selection
● Display file and data distribution on disk*
● Search disk for any data or text strings or keyword*
● Manual data carving tool*
● Each session on CDs can be viewed and recovered
● Sectors errors can be skipped on reading - file continues to read
● Tape recovery services from associated company
* Forensic option only
** RAID option maybe required
Types of software included in the comprehensive package
● NTFS disk recovery software
● FAT32 routines to restore all types of data
● Digital photo restore for memory chips
● Photo recovery software to process fragmented files
● Macintosh disk restoration, HFS+
● Deleted files can be restored
● Formatted disk restoration software, includes partition analysis
● Ability to read corrupted CDs
● All restores include comprehensive log
● Mini DVD processing software for corrupted video recordings
● Video camera, MP4, GoPro etc recovered
Possible unique selling features for recovery software
● Processing fragmented or deleted AVCHD/MTS disks
● Processing fragmented or deleted video files, eg MP4, MOV, GoPro, DJI
● Unerase CD-RW (Forensic package)
● Simple mini-DVD video recovery
● Logs GPS locations for carved JPEG photos
Techniques used
● Tolerant reading of disks - even with missing sectors
● Incremental disk imaging
● Scanning for old file entries and directories
● Scanning disk for old partitions - recreating partitions
● Processing orphaned files
● Enhanced data carving for fragmented files
● Regular updates include
● Additional file validation
● Enhanced modes of operation
● User requests for extra features in the program
● User support
● Simpler, faster operation
● Enhanced documentation
● Enhanced analysis of failures
● Enhanced forensic reports
● Free update support - unlimited updates.
Quick indication of likely recovery
Within a short period of time after downloading the CnW program demo, it will be possible to see a log of files that will be recovered. For these it will be possible to click on the entry and either see a photo, or a hex dump of the file. CnW software never changes data on the corrupted drive, and only saves recovered files onto a different hard drive. What ever the logical failure, CnW will never make it worse. The recovery results are extremely good, often exceeding those from much more expensive packages.
How long will the process take
This a a question such as how long is a piece of string. It is very dependent on the capacity of the drive or memory chip. For a small camera memory chip, with all files deleted, recovery may be 5-10 minutes, For a 500GB drive that needs imaging first due to bad sectors, recovery can take between a few hours and a few days. For a physically working disk, via USB-2 interface, or disk image, recovery is in the region of 5 to 60GB/hour depending on file size and hardware. For partially failed disks, the speed can be much slower. USB-3 and ESATA drives may be faster.
Easy to use
Recovery can be complex and daunting, so CnW software offers as much assistance as possible. There is an automatic wizard for many applications, as well as advanced mode tools. On every screen, by pressing F1 and comprehensive help screen will be shown. On many menus, by moving the cursor over a button, a short description (tool tip) will be displayed. On option boxes, if a sector number is double clicked, the sector will be displayed. All these features make the powerful tools easy to understand and use. Our expertise and knowledge is added to the data recovery software for everyone to benefit from.
Why is recovery required
It is an unfortunate fact, but sometimes computer data is lost. It may be a camera memory chip, a CD-ROM or hard disk drive. The camera or PC will no longer allow the user to access the data, even though the data is still present. CnW Recovery software will enable the user to do hard drive recovery, memory chip recovery, CD recovery etc and extract data from most corrupted PC storage devices. What may have seemed a disaster becomes just a hicup. Or in the words of the Hitch Hikers Guide, Dont Panic. Many users are not aware that even on a very corrupted disk, the data often still exists, but just can not be accessed, except by an advanced recovery program, such as CnW Recovery.
CnW disk software has a wizard to assist in the recovery process and offering various options depending on the physical media, and type of corruption that has occurred. In many situations, the wizard recovery mode will be all that is required, but there is also a complete suite of recovery tools for more complex recovery and investigation conditions.
A full demo can be downloaded and installed for evaluation and will display all files that are on the media, but the demo will not actually copy any recoverable files to the hard drive. Digital photos are displayed as a picture, other files are displayed as a hexadecimal dump. Once happy that the product will work as required, you may purchase on line. To get an idea of how the program works, please look at User Manual.
Complete tool kit
In many respects CnW Recovery, data software is a toolbox to enable lost, deleted and corrupted data and images to be recovered and restored. What will it do? for more details. There are simple tools to do a recovery, and other tools to allow any restoration to be customized to try and overcome different failure modes. Comprehensive logs will aid any forensic investigator recovering data from a damaged disk, and these include MD5 hashing of all files, as well as a log of sector values for the start of each file restored. Slack and unallocated data may also be extracted and saved. Even some fragmented files may be reconstructed from data carving scan.
This Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10 data recovery software product is used daily as part of CnW data services. It can be purchased online and can be used to recover camera memory chips, CD-ROMs, ISO9660, and UDF, and also FAT16, FAT32 hard disk drives. There is full support for NTFS, included compression, and HFS+ (Mac) drives, XFS and Reiser FS.
Recovery methods
Disks and CDs fail in many ways. Some are predictable, but many fail for obscure reasons. Due to this, there is no single approach to data recovery that works for all types of failure. CnW data recovery software therefore has many different tools built into the program to assist in different methods of examining the media and extracting files in the most useful way. Sometimes it may be necessary to use several different approaches to obtain as many files as possible. For common failures, the software tries to assist as much as possible. With many formats it will do an initial analysis of the disk to recommend the best way forward. At other times, the user can enter, or manually change critical parameters and work, sometimes by trial and error, to restore a large percentage of the original files. Built in analysis routines assist at every stage.
It is probably impossible to generate a program to automatically recover all types of data corruption and failure, but CnW Recovery gives many different options that can be tried. The wizard will follow many standard approaches, and the manual has case studies of different methods that can be taken for different types of failure - and this list grows on a regular basis, as do built in tools and documentation to assist.
Forensic tools
CnW forensic software has been designed with forensic investigation and forensic data recovery as an important application. There are many logs to aid investigation and help analyze data that has been recovered from the file system, or unallocated areas of the disk. The logs can be sorted, exported and generally reviewed. The logs also contain lists of errors encountered on the disk, including logical problems that could stop a disk being read by the native operating system. For case examination, an XML based report can be generated to form the basis forensic report report, and will assist in continuity of evidence. All reports are being enhanced and developed on a continuous basis. Another forensic tool is the ability to do multiple, simultaneous string searches on a disk image, or within recovered files. Encase compatible E01 files can be read (with forensic option).
Video recovery that works - unlike many other popular programs.
Most video camera record data on a memory chip, but this video is not recorded in sequence. When a video is deleted (probably by mistake) the location of the video sections is typically lost. CnW Recovery software performs complex recovery routines to recover videos that very few software programs can. A very popular camera is the GoPro Hero range.
Just $19.99 for 30 day, data recovery software licence, and $34.99 for full licence
Full forensic options with RAID $159.99
Online purchase with PayPal. Once purchased the data recovery software license code will be e-mailed within minutes of payment being received. Free updates included with every purchase (30 day license excepted).
Browse this web site for more information about CnW Recovery. If you have any queries or would like to ask CnW Recovery any questions, please e-mail us at To see some customer feedback click here.
At CnW Recovery, the customer’s data always comes first.
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Michael Cotgrove
CnW Recovery Developments Ltd, 14 King Henry’s Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1BT UK
Visit Blog for recent news and stories CnW Blog
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Established 2004
Last updated September 2023