Log overview
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The log stores details of all files that have been read, along with media errors.  There is also an option to export the log into a CSV file. The default file name will be the job number of conversion. The details stored in the log do depend on the options purchased with the CnW software package.  The standard package will have file names, dates and sizes.  The full logging option, for forensic investigations, will contain details on file locations, as well as a MD5 sum check for each file read.

The log has four sections

       File detail

       Details about the media and the job

       Forensic Log                        (Forensic option only)

       Keyword search Log                (Commerical and Forensic only)

An important feature of the log is that it is possible to double click on a file name and view an image of the file.  Current versions will just display images, under development is a hex and text display of data.  This works in demo mode, so even though files can not be restored to a hard disk, the image that would be recovered, can be displayed.

The file view screen will either display a picture, or will display a hex dump of the first 1MB of the file. Any picture image displayed is stretched to the size of the window – this may distort the image, and so should only be taken as an indication, rather than a valid image. This will give a good indication to see if the file is correct