File size selection for selective file recovery

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These options will allow files be selected based on their file size

All file size matching are actually done on selecte size in bytes.  To make te entry of numbers easy, the units may be selected as Bytes, KB, MB or GB.  If the size of units is changed, the display is updated to match the new units.  Thus 2KB, when changed to bytes will display as 2048.  Going the other way, 2000 bytes will display as 1KB, and is actually truncated to 1024 bytes

There are 6 radio buttons that will choose the mode of selection

Select files less than

Any file less than the size in the top box will be selected.  If the box is displaying 1500 bytes, then files of 1499 bytes will be selected, but 1500 bytes will not be selected

Skip files less than

Any file less than the size in the top box will be skipped.  If the box is displaying 2500 bytes, then files of 2499 bytes will be skipped, but 2500 bytes will not be skipped

Select files between

Any file greater than or equal to the value in the top box and less than or equal to the value in the bottom box will be selected. In the display above, a file of 150K would be selected, 800K would not be selected.

Skip files between

Any file greater than or equal to the value in the top box and less than or equal to the value in the bottom box will be skipped. In the display above, a file of 600K would be skipped, 100K would be selected.

Select files greater than

Any file greater than the size in the lower box will be selected.  If the box is displaying 10000 bytes, then files of 10001 bytes will be selected, but 10000 bytes will not be selected

Skip files greater than

Any file greater than the size in the lower box will be skipped.  If the box is displaying 12500 bytes, then files of 12501 bytes will be skipped, but 12500 bytes will not be skipped